

The stadium is built with flood lights | Facility of 500 seat capacity | 1500 gallery seating | 2 Basketball Courts | 2 Volleyball Courts | 2 Cricket Net Practices | Football Field with Artificial Turf | International standard 400 m | Synthetic track 8-lane


‘Benches to Podium’

Department of Physical Education is one of the Pioneer Departments of Sri Krishna Arts and Science College with the Vision of high standards, structural training and active life, leading to motto of benches to podium is committed to provided equal and fair opportunity to all its wards. It’s diversified programme would allow it’s students to reap the benefits leading to physical fitness, personality development culminating in enjoyable experience in a long run of their life. We as a Department assure that the above standards are maintained to enrich the wards of Sri Krishna Arts and Science College.

Physical Director

Dr. C. Kumaresan has more than fourteen years of experience in sports. He has published one book and also published more than 10 research papers in the International and national level Journals, Seminars and Conferences. He is a Convenor, Editorial Board “Arjuna” News Letter and Editor. He is a nationally qualified Football Refree and also the Tamilnadu State Qualified Athletic Technical Official, Kabaddi Technical Official, Handball Technical Official and Kho-Kho Technical Official.

Sports Achievements

Mr Sri Dharshan S

Date of the Activity : 18th September to 22nd September 2024

Mr.Sri Dharshan.S of ll-BBA Logistics -23bba462 Participated In the Indian Team Roller Derby. Indian Team and Won 4th Place In World SKATE Championship -2024 held at ‘Abruzzo-Italy’ from 18/09/2024 to 22/09/2024. Our SKASC Student is one of the Participants in the Indian Team.

  • Association of Indian Universities
  • All India/ South Zone Inter – University Tournament for the year 2024-2025


Madhumitha A of I- B.Sc CS – 24BCS029 participated in the All India Inter University Taekwondo (Women) Championship for the year 2024-25 held at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab from 12.11.2024 to 15.11.2024.

Gnaandhesik M

Gnaandhesik. M of I- B.Sc ISM-24BIS010 participated in the All India Inter- University Athletics (Men) Tournament for the Year 2024-25 held at Kalinga Institute of Social Science, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha from 26.12.2024 to 30.12.2024.


Tanubhau. R of I-B.Com– 24BCO047 participated in the South West

Zone Inter- University held at LNCT University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh on 03.12.2024 to 07.12.2024 and All India Inter- University Karate (Men) held at Dr Mangal Sen MD University, Rohtak Tournament for the Year 2024-25 from 15.01.2025 to 18.01.2025.


Harshadh. V of II-B.Sc AIML-23BAI025 participated in the All India

Inter- University Shooting (Men) Tournament for the Year 2024-25 held at Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab from 08.01.2025 to 18.01.2025.

Lathiga Sri M

Lathiga sri. M of I B.Sc ECS-24BEC027 participated in the All India Inter University Yoga (Women) Championship for the year 2024-25 held at Kalinga Institute of Social Science, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha from 24.12.2024 to 28.12.2024

  • State Level Roll Ball Championship- 2024-25


Dikshith. V. C of I BBA (CA) -24BBA055 secured Gold Medel in the 12th State Level Senior Roll Ball Championship for the year 2024-25 held at Venkat Lakshmi, Coimbatore from 20.07.2024 to 21.07.2024.

Faculty Details

Director of Physical
Dr. C.Kumaresan, M.Com(CA), M.P.Ed, Ph.D, P.G. Diploma in
(Yoga, Fitness, Tennis, Special Olympics)
Assistant Physical
V. Ambiga, B.A.(TTM), M.P.Ed , M.Phil, P.G. Diploma in Yoga
Physical Training
M. Bharathi, B.Com, B.P.Ed

Our Vision is to develop high standards and implement structural training to motivate the wards for an active life which leads to overall well–being.

  • Our mission is to provide equal opportunity to all wards through quality physical activities in the area of fitness.
  • Our diverse program will allow students to reap an opportunity to develop a wellrounded personality leading to enjoyable experience lifelong.
  • The department is determined to provide high standard training leading to athletic career preparation, with the ideal of reaching the zenith as our mission.
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