One of the major research policies includes Consultancy policy under the Research Advisory Committee. The major commitment is to provide an impact to the society and other stakeholders. Sri Krishna Arts and Science College strives to promote expertise in the areas of research, in this regard consultancy services in academics contributes to the economy of the country by broadening the professional experience and body of knowledge of the teaching fraternity. The Consultancy Policy of SKASC serves as a framework for the stakeholders, the Management, and the academic staff on their roles and responsibilities in the consultancy process. Accordingly, the objectives of this policy are to:
Establish guidelines and standards for consultancy activities that bear SKASC identity.
Develop SKASC reputation through consultancy services.
Provide learning and consultancy opportunities and resources.
Reinforce SKASC’s identity and help raise its profile by ensuring that its name is deservingly acknowledged and highly perceived by the public.
To strengthen the research activities and to maintain the codes of ethics, the research ethics committee has been established with a multi-disciplinary composition catering to the various requirements. This committee will address both the Human and Animal Ethics.
Principal- Research Ethics Head and Chairperson Dean
Research and Development-Research Ethics Member
Senior Faculty member-Commerce
Senior Faculty member-Computer Science
Senior Faculty member-Mathematics
Senior Faculty member-Management
Senior Faculty member-English
Experiments will be performed by and under the supervision of a person duly qualified personnel in the said discipline.
To ensure quality and consistency in following the ethical guidelines of the national policies.
To follow the regulations of parent University (Bharathiar) and UGC regarding the ethical policies and governance.
In case of experiments pertaining to animals, due care with humanity will be involved in performing the experiments Click here for more details