Dr. S. Anbumalar M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D
HOD of B.Com & M.Com
Dr. S. Anbumalar has 25 years of teaching experience with specialization in Corporate Finance, Accounting, and Taxation. She has presented 63 research papers at various national and international conferences, with 59 research papers published in referred and peer-reviewed international journals to her credit.

Dr. J .Vijimol
M.Com.,M. Phil.,Ph.D. r
HOD of B.Com CA & BA
Dr. J. Vijimol, has 19 years of teaching experience and presently working as professor & head of department of Commerce Computer Applications. She has published 21 research papers in National and International publications. Her area of research is marketing. She has presented her research work in doctoral colloquium hosted IIM Lucknow.
She Organized National conference, Seminars, Guest lectures, outreach programme and Off-shore visit to Malaysia and Thailand.

Dr. P. Radhakrishnan M.Com., MBA., M.Phil., PGDCA., Ph.D., SET., UGC- NET.
HOD of B.Com BPS & BI
Dr. P. RADHAKRISHNAN has 27 years of experience in Teaching and he has published books on Indirect Taxation, Business Taxation Financial services and Company Law and Secretarial Practice. He has delivered more than 147 Guest Lectures on various topics related to finance in various colleges, SHGs and Schools.
He has participated and presented more than 30 Research papers in national and international conferences and has attended many FDP’s. He has completed 12 NPTEL courses and received NPTEL Discipline Star, Believer Award and Enthusiasts Star Award from IIT Chennai. He has passed nine NISM Certifications like Commodity Derivatives, Securities Markets Foundation Certificate, Equity Derivatives Market, Capital Market (Dealers) Module, Investment Advisor level I & level II, Research Analyst, Mutual Fund Distributors Certification and Alternative Investment Funds Certification. He is also a SEBI- Recognized Individual Securities Market Trainer (SMART), NSE and CDSL Empanelled Financial Education Resource Person. He has completed Certification Course on Capital Market at Bombay Stock Exchange Institute – Mumbai and Online certification program on GST under MSME. He is a Life Member of Indian Commerce Association and AIMA. He has cleared UGC NET and SET under Unreserved Category.

Dr. R. Reena M.I.B.,MBA.,M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.
HOD of B.Com AF & IB
Dr Reena R, was graduated with MIB (International Business). Dr. Reena holds an MBA in International Trade Management and M.Com (Entrepreneurship) degree to her credit. She has extensive experience teaching all levels of International Business and has a significant experience in the areas of exports.
Joined the faculty of International Business in 2005 with specialization on India’s Foreign Trade, International Trade Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Entrepreneurship. She has a special interest in innovation and cluster formation. She “inspires students to excel” and “encourage them to give more than what is expected”. Her valuable insider knowledge provides students with an integrated and practical education in International Business. Trained by the DST with EDII Ahmedabad under the aegis of NSTEDB, Govt of India and has given lectures on the topic of Entrepreneurship – road map to success, How to start an SSI unit, Financial Assistance to Entrepreneurship, Policies and financial assistance to MSME Units in various Colleges like Sri Ramakrishna Arts and Science College, GVG Visalakshi College for Women, Udumelpet, Dr MGR Janaki College for Women and universities like Karpagam and Karunya. To add to her accolades, she is an ISO certified Auditor.

Dr. C. Dhanalakshmi M.Com., MBA., M. Phil., PGDCA., Ph. D (Commerce)., Ph. D (Management)
HOD of B.Com PA & CS
The Department of Commerce PA & CS is headed by Dr. C. Dhanalakshmi M.Com., MBA., M. Phil., PGDCA., Ph. D (Commerce), Ph. D (Management). She has more than 25 years of experience in teaching and 5 years in the industry. Her area of specialization is Finance. She has published 54 research articles in refereed and peer-reviewed journals and also published 6 research papers in book chapters. She has presented more than 60 research papers at national and international conferences. She has delivered guest lectures at various institutions and was the director at Gem B School affiliated with Anna University. She has also served as a Board of Studies member in various autonomous institutions. Currently, she published 1 book, holds 3 patents, produced 2 doctoral candidates, and is guiding Ph.D. scholars. She has received I2OR International Teaching Excellence award 2024 (The award is bestowed by International Institute of Organized Research India)

Dr. N. Sivakumar, M.Com., M.Phil., PGDCA, CMA (Inter), Ph.D.
HOD of B.Com IT & E-Com
A dynamic and accomplished academic leader with 18 years of teaching and research experience. As the Associate Professor and Head of the Department, he leads a dedicated team of 11 faculty members, specializing in the fields of Accounting, Finance and Taxation.
An expert in his domain, he has contributed significantly to the academic community, publishing 14 research articles in prestigious national and international journals, including UGC Indexed and Scopus-listed publications. He has presented 18 research papers at various national and international conferences and actively participated in 7 workshops aimed at enhancing academic and professional development. In addition to his academic contributions, he has served as a member of the Board of Studies in various colleges, helping shape the curriculum and academic policies to meet industry standards and advancements. His passion for teaching, research, and continuous learning drives the department towards academic excellence and innovation in the ever-evolving fields of commerce and finance.