ECO Club



Eco Club:
The Eco Club at Sri Krishna Arts and Science College is a dedicated group of environmentally conscious individuals committed to making a positive impact on our planet. The Club was established during the academic year 2022-2023, serving as an excellent platform for instilling environmental consciousness within the student community. The club's official inauguration took place on August 28, 2023, with Dr. N.S. Maanoj, Founder & Principal Scientist of the Universal Snakebite Education & Research Organisation, WHO Stakeholder, presiding over the event. A total of 130 students attended the inauguration, where they gained insights into the medicinal significance of snakes, the differentiation between venomous and non-venomous snakes, and how to administer initial aid in the event of a snakebite.

Since its inception, the club has been actively involved in various endeavors, including the cultivation and care of native medicinal plants in a shade house. They have also organized guest lectures on biodiversity conservation and water body preservation in the Coimbatore region, imparting valuable knowledge to students. Additionally, the club has conducted sessions to teach vermicomposting techniques to interested students.

In the academic year 2023-2024, the Eco-Club undertook a Tree Plantation for Ecological Sustainability event on July 28, 2023, at Seengapathi, a Tribal Village in Coimbatore. The primary focus of this activity was to commemorate "World Nature Conservation Day." Around 100 lemon plant varieties were carefully selected and planted to deter animal intrusion into the tribal village. Fifteen dedicated student volunteers actively participated in this initiative, gaining a deeper understanding of their social responsibility towards the environment and the human community.